Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Journey
Showered in Blessings…
You came to greet him with rich blessings and placed a crown of pure gold on his head.

 I am sitting in my church in Malakal, South Sudan.  It was a beautiful walk to church this morning, one of those rare days here where the sky is blue and not filled with the brown, hazy dust that so often permeates the air.  There is just a hint of cool.  People on the road seemed a little brighter, a little happier, it is amazing why a clear blue sky can do to lighten the moods.

 I was sitting in the church looking out the door and noticed it was raining golden leaves from the nim tree outside the door.  As each woman elder and deacon stepped under the tree and entered the church, the she entered in a shower of golden leaves with the sunlight streaming behind them.

It was almost as each one received a special blessing before entering the church.

I had to wonder, how many blessings are showered on us that we don't see or are so caught up in our own thoughts we don't notice... 

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